Jean-Christophe Beyers graduated in 2011 with honours from the Catholic University of Leuven as a Master of Law. Already during his undergraduate years, he developed a keen interest in public law, especially environmental law management in the broadest sense of the term.
Before joining GSJ advocaten, Jean-Christophe worked as a lawyer in the Flanders Spatial Management Department and as a researcher at the Institute for Environmental and Energy Law (Catholic University of Leuven). He is still invited to give talks every year as guest lecturer on the De Nayer campus.
In 2016, Jean-Christophe started working at GSJ and joined the Bar of Antwerp. As a member of the Administrative and Environmental Management Law team, he currently focuses mainly on cases pertaining to the many and varied facets of environmental management law.
As a legal expert in these fields, he provides private clients, commercial concerns and public authorities with legal advice and guidance and helps them navigate the ins and outs of court proceedings.
Date of birth
4 August 1984
Lawyer since
At gsj since
- Administrative and environmental law
Dutch, French and English
Preferred subjects
Environmental law (spatial planning and environmental law), nature conservation law, soil law, heritage law, regulations on complex projects, regulations on environmental impact assessment, general administrative law
Selection of publications
- Uitgebreide publicatielijst
- Recente publicaties:
- Beyers, J., Van Giel, I. (2016). Het decreet complexe projecten in de praktijk. Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht en Onroerend Goed, 14 (3), 221-241.
- Gilissen, H., Beyers, J., e.a., (2016). Bridges over troubled waters: an interdisciplinary framework for evaluating the interconnectedness within fragmented domestic flood risk management systems. Journal of Water Law, 25 (1), 12-26.
- Priest, S., Beyers, J., e.a., “The implementation of the Floods Directive: The role of flood risk management plans in increasing resilience to flood risk”, Ecology and society, special feature, 2016.
- Member Malta Legal Forum on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Expert GECORO Westerlo
Selection of study days and teaching assignments
KU Leuven – De Nayer: Opleidingsonderdeel: Master in de Industriële wetenschappen (Faculteit Industriële Ingenieurswetenschappen)
- 2de semester 2019: ganse opleidingsonderdeel “Ruimtelijke ordening en milieu"
- 18-25 april, 2 mei 2018: “Milieurecht – Deel 1-2-33”
- 23 mei 2017: “Titel V DABM & Bodem”
- 9 mei 2017: “DABM - Brownfield - MER”
- 3 mei 2017: “Inleiding tot het milieurecht & Natuur”
KU Leuven - IMER: Opleidingsonderdelen: ‘Bouwrecht’ (Faculteit Ingenieurs-wetenschappen), ‘Milieurecht’ (Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen) en ‘Milieu- en Energierecht’ (Faculteit Rechten)
- 14 oktober 2021: "Ruimtelijke planning"
- 8 oktober 2020: “Ruimtelijke planning ”
- 10 oktober 2019: “Ruimtelijke planning ”
- 16 november 2017: “Stedenbouwkundige vergunning”
- 24 november 2016: “Milieueffectenrapportage & natuurbehoudsrecht”
- 12 november 2015: “Capita selecta bouwrecht”
- 5 november 2015: “Omgevingsvergunning & complexe projecten”
- 8 oktober 2015: “DABM – Titel I, II, III en VI”
- 4 december 2014: “Veiligheid op de bouwwerf”
- 10 februari 2014: “Omgevingsvergunning”
ie-net vzw: bouwmanager
- 27 september 2016: “Stedenbouwkundige vergunning”
- 20 september 2016: “Ruimtelijke planning”
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