Al dan niet kapitaliseren blijft een heikel punt
Ons hoogste hof had met haar arrest van 14 december jl. nog eens de kans om de puntjes op de i’ te zetten inzake deze materie.
In 1984 Johan Bally began his career at the Bar of Antwerp. He decided to specialise in insurance law, including maritime law, liability law and construction law as well as public procurement law and urban development law.
His editorial work with the publication Tijdschrift voor Rechtsdocumentatie, which he began during his undergraduate period, continued until 1993.
Following his internship in 1987, together with Mr Van Raemdonck he founded the association "Van Raemdonck and Bally", which at that time specialised in construction law, liability law, insurance law and urban development. Due to the need for further specialisation, Mr Bally followed additional training courses, including a course at the Catholic University of Leuven on the assessment of personal injury. He was subsequently delegated to the Antwerp Bar Association in the Onderlinge Ziekenkas (now Precura) and was asked to teach trainees at the Antwerp Bar Association.
In 2001, Johan joined GSJ, where he had an opportunity to further specialise in insurance law and liability law and at the same time use his training in urban development law within the AMROS team.
Following his opening address in 2000, Mr Bally was asked to coach young lawyers who took up the challenge of taking part in national and international moot court competitions.
For about 8 years, Mr Bally has increasingly been called upon to handle issues connected with health law. He has already given several lectures on issues connected with this particular field and has followed a postgraduate course in Health Law and Health Ethics at the University of Antwerp.
Mr Bally has also been awarded a certificate for a special training course in cassation proceedings in criminal cases, and he can therefore conduct criminal cases before the Court of Cassation.
Ons hoogste hof had met haar arrest van 14 december jl. nog eens de kans om de puntjes op de i’ te zetten inzake deze materie.
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