Expertises Sectors


Public law

Public law includes the legal rules on relations between the government and the citizen. In addition, public law regulates the relationships between the various government bodies. Public law is very extensive and covers, among other things, public procurement, public-private partnerships, road law, government liability, expropriations, pre-emption rights, domain concessions, the environment, the quality of life, immovable heritage, disciplinary matters, student progress disputes, etc.

Thanks to many years of experience in these particular legal fields, GSJ’s teams have acquired a wealth of expertise and regularly help government agencies and private individuals navigate the various areas of public law.

This expertise falls within the team

21 team members

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GSJ can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 6 pm.

GSJ advocaten
Borsbeeksebrug 36
2600 Antwerp

Tel.: +32 (0)3 232 50 60
Fax: +32 (0)3 232 30 50
Enterprise number: 0442.485.591


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