Expertises Sectors

Geert Philipsen


After graduating in law with honours from the University of Antwerp in July 2000, Geert Philipsen joined GSJ advocaten in September 2000, where he subsequently became a partner on 1 January 2008.

Geert not only successfully completed his internship as a lawyer but in addition followed the "Master after Master" course entitled "Master in Intellectual Property Law" at the Catholic University of Brussels/Catholic University of Leuven. Since then, he has focused mainly on offering his services as an expert on intellectual property law, in which capacity he uses his training to provide timely advice, to draw up and negotiate contracts relating to the many aspects of intellectual property and to assist clients with procedures in these fields of legal expertise.

Furthermore, within the context of intellectual property law Geert has also acquired a wealth of experience in the area of data protection, privacy and market practices.

In the fields of intellectual property law and market practices, on several occasions he has handled cases before the Benelux Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

In addition, Geert Philipsen has worked extensively in the area of distribution and, more generally, national and international commercial contracts. This work is not by any means easy, as it involves not only setting up structures and negotiating or drawing up agreements, but also defending clients in procedures and disputes before the courts. Through his membership of and involvement in various international organisations, Geert can rely on the support of a wide network of foreign correspondents who can ensure that constructions or campaigns comply with their specific national laws.

Geert also frequently publishes papers on various aspects of intellectual property rights and market practices and is often invited as a guest speaker on these subjects at seminars and colloquia.



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